Carbon Literacy for Grassroots Football
Save Today, Play Tomorrow is the home of Carbon Literacy training for those working or volunteering in the sports sector, offering the learners the opportunity to gain a fundamental understanding of the role sport can play in tackling the climate crisis. In collaboration with Manchester Metropolitan University they have developed a bespoke course for Grassroots Football specifically aimed at those in the community led game.
What is Carbon Literacy?
Carbon Literacy is an accredited 7-hour interactive course that provides awareness of the carbon costs and impacts of everyday activities coupled with the positive steps that can be taken to reduce emissions, on an individual, community or organisational level - it is the essential first step in empowering people to evoke wider societal change
Why Should We Become Carbon Literate?
It is proven that by becoming Carbon Literate learners understand how climate change will impact them and the communities around them. Through the course learners gain an understanding of how to reduce their individual carbon footprint but also gain the confidence and knowledge to do this within their club or work setting.
Certification is awarded following the successful completion of an approved Carbon Literacy course where learners have demonstrated and evidence an understanding of the following key areas:
The science behind climate change
Social equity & climate change
What you can do to act on climate change (including individual & community pledges) Strategies and skills for communicating action on climate change.
How Do I Become Carbon Literate?
We host in-person, online and guided learning opportunities for people to access our Carbon Literacy courses. You will find the dates for the online & in-person using the link below.
The cost is £10 to complete the learning and you can book directly using the button below or contact us at hello@savetodayplaytomorrow.com, for more information.